Empowering Laboratories to Extend Their Services Directly to Patients

Direct Testing

Empowering Laboratories to Extend Their Services Directly to Patients

In a world where convenience and speed are paramount, 4ib introduces a revolutionary software solution that seamlessly integrates the ecommerce realm with the precision of laboratory testing. Now, patients can directly access a range of essential laboratory tests without the need for a doctor's prescription.

Key Features of Our Ecommerce-Laboratory Integration Software


Patient-Direct Test Listing: Broadening Accessibility

Comprehensive Test Catalog

Laboratories can easily list all available direct-to-patient tests, making it simple for patients to select and purchase the tests they need.

User-Friendly Interface

Designed with both laboratories and patients in mind, our platform ensures a smooth and intuitive test selection and purchase process.


Real-time Test Approval: Instantaneous and Efficient

Automated Approval Mechanism

Upon a test purchase, our system integrates with a partner company to instantly approve the selected test, ensuring quick turnaround times.

Transparency in Purchasing

Patients can confidently select tests, knowing that the approval process is streamlined and secure.


Seamless Integration with Laboratory Information Systems (LIS): From Purchase to Results

Automated Accession Creation

Once a test is purchased, our software communicates with the LIS, initiating the test accessioning process efficiently.

Payment Processing

Ensure hassle-free transactions with our integrated payment processing mechanism.

Result Reporting

Once tests are completed, results are effortlessly relayed back to patients, ensuring they receive timely and accurate information.


Bridging the Gap: Ecommerce Meets Laboratory Precision

Enhanced Patient Autonomy

By removing the need for a doctor's prescription for select tests, patients are empowered to take charge of their health and wellness.

Driving Laboratory Business Growth

Tap into a broader patient base, increase revenue streams, and stay ahead in a competitive healthcare market.

The 4ib Promise: Making Laboratory Testing More Accessible

As pioneers in the fusion of ecommerce and healthcare, 4ib is committed to delivering solutions that prioritize patient convenience while upholding the integrity and precision of laboratory services.

Dive into the Seamless Integration with 4ib Today
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